Colorful Connie and Her Cart

Colorful Connie and Her Cart

The Great Commission I was preparing to go out and do my ‘Jesus En Plein Air’ outreach Saturday morning. I decided to read the Great Commission before leaving my house. Mark 16:15,16 helped me focus on my reason for going; preach the gospel, get people saved. But there’s more to the Commission. It also includes…

A Man, no Child and Spirits

A Man, no Child and Spirits

I painted the Castle Green Hotel (seen above) in Pasadena. A man stepped up to my easel and admired my painting. We chatted for a while. He said he was homeless, so I gave him a little money. Then he told me he was a prophet. He told me that I was to go to…

Signs Following

Signs Following

“Follow Me,” was a common call Jesus made some 2,000 years ago. It’s as relevant today as it was then. Many of us have answered the call. As we set out to follow Him, we soon realized that to walk in the footsteps of Jesus is to walk by faith. Sometimes Jesus rewards our walk…

Heart Burn

Heart Burn

Following the resurrection of Jesus, He met two of His disciples on the road to Emmaus. At first, they didn’t recognize Him. So, he opened their eyes. Then, He vanished from their sight. They remarked, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the…

Fly or Sail

Fly or Sail

In November of 2020, Qantas Airlines announce that, come in 2021, passengers must provide proof that they have taken the COVID-19 vaccine. In January of 2021, American Airlines announced it will require their employees to be vaccinated. AA is encouraging other airlines to follow suit. Norwegian Cruise lines will require the same for their crew….

Prophecy Watcher 05

Prophecy Watcher 05

My flight from from Minneapolis-St Paul to Wichita, KS was ‘different’. I discovered something worse than a loud baby on an airplane; it’s a loud adult talking to a baby on an airplane. The friendly but loud-talking lady in the seat behind me was baby-talking to the child across the isle from me. Fortunately, the…

Prophecy Watcher 04

Prophecy Watcher 04

If a moving stairway is called an escalator, what is another name for a *moving walkway? I arrived at the Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport. It’s layout similar to a ranch house. It grew horizontally, not vertically. I took a casual walk through the airport while looking for something to eat. I found Chick fil A….