A tear in time with ChatGPT and Ai

ChatGPT & Ai Revealing the Nearness of Time

I asked ChatGPT, ‘How fast is human knowledge doubling?’ It gave me a standard answer. It was similar to ones I had heard before. Here was its answer:

Chat: In the early 20th century, knowledge was estimated to double approximately every 100 years. By the 1960s, that rate had increased to around every 25 years. More recently, it has been suggested that knowledge doubles every 12 to 13 months, and some estimates even propose a doubling rate as short as every 12 hours for certain specialized fields.

Next, I asked ChatGPT this: At what rate is artificial intelligence increasing in knowledge? The answer was much more nuanced, even vague and offered no numerical values. So, I adjusted my question to this: At what rate is artificial intelligence doubling in knowledge? Here was the answer: 

Chat: To give you a rough idea, some estimates suggest that AI knowledge has been doubling every 3 to 18 months. However, these figures are approximate and may not accurately reflect the current rate of knowledge doubling.

I’m suspicious about its rate of doubling 3 to 18 months. I’m more inclined to believe the last sentence ‘may not accurately reflect the current rate of knowledge doubling’.

Ai’s Insatiable Appetite

It’s conceivable to me that Ai has consumed most of the knowledge ever posted on the internet. If that’s the case, its ongoing growth will depend on several factors

  1. you and me continuing to add content.
  2. Its ability to independently formulate new ideas and thoughts from its voracious consumption of data. It’s being siphoned from multiple sources. Ai has eyes and ears almost everywhere; your computer, your phone, your smart home, your car, on street corners, from satellites overhead, and the list goes on.

Ai’s insatiable appetite for data has likely led its search beyond knowledge limited to earth; its inhabitants and its environment. What might it have learned from probes sent to faraway places in our galaxy? What might it know from looking through the James Webb-plus telescopes which have peered into the far distances of time and space?

While it might be entertaining to pull back the vail, it could be frightening, even dangerous. Has Ai has tapped into knowledge emanating from a realm beyond our physical universe? If ChatGPT, or some other Ai is communicating with entities in another dimension, would it tell us?

There are benefits that come with advanced technologies like ChatGPT and Ai…a few. Unfortunately, there are many red flags being waved…by developers themselves!

Don’t Be Deceived

Jesus warned us about what the world would look like in the last days. He said this in Matthew 24:4, “Take heed that no one deceives you.” In Mark 13:5 “Take heed that no one deceives you.” In Luke 21:8 “Take heed that you not be deceived.”

Deception is near the top of the list of dangers. If we consider that it was the first sign Jesus gave in the Olivette discourse prophecies regarding the last days, we could put deception at the top of the list.

How do you not be deceived?

  1. Be born again (invite Jesus into your life)
  2. Read and believe the Bible
  3. Pray and trust the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the Truth
  4. Learn from knowledgable Bible teachers who are not afraid to address tough issues of today from a Biblical worldview.
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