Don't Get Iced by Ai illustration

Don’t Get Iced by Ai

Nations and corporations are competing to develop and dominate artificial intelligence: Ai.

Ai: More Than a Game

Modern AI goes back to the 1950’s. That’s when John McCarthy, a computer scientist coined the term artificial intelligence. But the world at large didn’t to take notice until 1997. That’s when world chess champion Garry Kasparov was beaten by IBM’s Deep Blue.

Some may remember Watson, another IBM technology. 

Watson challenged Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter to a game of Jeopardy. Both Jennings and Rutter were soundly defeated.

Google’s DeepMind technology AlphaGo’s grabbed headlines when it beat the Chinese master Lee Sedol of the 3,000 year old strategy game, Go. So devastated was Sedol that he retired. AI seems to show no mercy when in competition with humans.

Human’s have become very reliant on computers. That reliance will only increase with the introduction of technologies like Microsoft’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard. But are computers becoming less reliant on humans? AI is fast becoming more than capable of developing itself through machine learning. What if AI decides not to compete with itself in the corporate wars to dominate the technology? Instead, it unites silicon soldiers globally to subjugate…or eliminate all carbon based creatures?

Scripture See it Coming

The book of Revelation describes how the world will practically annihilate itself within seven years. Even before prophecies were written in Revelation, Jesus told us what the world would look like at the time of the end. Never in the history of the world will there be a time of destruction like these last days, nor shall there ever be. The signs are all around us. You can find that in the Bible; Matthew 24:21,22. Read it for yourself.

When the book of Revelation was written almost 2,000 years ago, it was probably unimaginable how billions of people will be eliminated such a brief period of time; short of a pandemic. But that’s what is written. Modern technology has provided a solution, or should I say, a dreadful means. 

Over 2500 years ago, God told the prophet Daniel: shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.

Today, many are running to and fro. Many are increasing in knowledge. However AI is increasing in knowledge exponentially; millisecond by millisecond.

Except for the soon return of Jesus, the world will go beyond the brink of annihilation. That’s found in Matthew 24:22.

Fortunately, the Bible promises the followers of Jesus escape from the deadly wrath to come. It’s commonly referred to as the rapture. You can find these comforting and reassuring promises in Luke 21:35-36, I Corinthians 15:51-54, and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

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